On Site AND Customized Training Programs: Pyrometry (Basic and Advanced), Heat Treat Qualification for Operators, Planners, and Owners. Root Cause/Corrective Action. Hardness and Conductivity:
Basic Heat Treatment
Introduction to Pyrometry
Pyrometry for Professionals
Hardness and Conductivity
Basic Heat Treatment
What is heat treatment
Why heat treat anyway
Heat Transfer (Heating and cooling)
Furnace types, Processes and Atmospheres)
Pyrometry Overview
Introduction to pyrometry AMS 2750:
Assure a thorough understanding of pyrometric controls as applicable to heat treating
Discuss the application of pyrometric controls within a typical heat treat facility
Clarify the intent and interpretation of SAE AMS 2750E
Pyrometry for Professionals:
More depth into the requirements of AMS2750 And PRI Pyrometry Guide
Pyrometry Guide
Hands-on live instruction on thermocouples, instrument calibrations, system accuracy testing, and Temperature Uniformity Survey testing